Polythene Bags 100 Gauge
These clear polythene bags are useful for many different occasions. We offer a varied range of thick polythene bags and thin polythene bags. These polythene bags are essential for packing food or packing clothes.
100G polythene bags are thinner in thickness, however they are affordable, value for money and suitable for packing food loosely.
They are ideal for foods such as snacks, meat pies, chin chin, sooya, melon seed, herbs, spices, food, haberdashery, buttons, ribbons, clothes, hats, scarves, laces, magazines, toys, gifts, storage, bread, rolls, bagels, donuts, pastries, bakery food and fruits.
They smaller gauges are especially useful for keeping seeds, herbs, spices, nuts, raisins and beans.
We also supply small polythene bags and large polythene bags, depending what they are being used for.
Some of the thicker polythene bags can support a weight of up to 5kg, depending on the size and weight of the item/food inside, making them suitable for heavy duty.
These clear polythene bags are useful for bakeries, food outlets, delis, market stalls, street food vendors or supermarkets. They can also be used to stock electronic items, depending on the gauge.
snacksmeat pieschin chinsooyamelon seedherbs, spicesfoodhaberdasherybuttonsribbonsclothesmagazinesstoragebreadrollsbagelspastriesfruitsbakeriesfood outletsdelismarket stallsstreet food vendorssupermarkets seedsherbsspicesnutsraisinsbeans